The Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO) is an international body composed of non-profit professional organizations devoted to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Although full membership is given to non- governmental organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, any occupational safety and health organizations, even in the regions other than the Asia-Pacific, can join the APOSHO as associate or affiliate members.

(For more information about APOSHO, see https://www.aposho.org)

Objectives of APOSHO

  • To promote and enhance understanding and cooperation in areas related to Occupational Safety and Health awareness and practices in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • To promote networking and exchange of information on Occupational Safety and Health awareness and practices in the Asia-Pacific region.

Past & Upcoming APOHO Conferences and Annual Meetings

Host Country
38thThailand (SHAWPAT) (November 2024)
37thMalaysia (MSOSH) (October 2023)
36thAustralia (NSCA Foundation) (November 2022)
35thJapan (JISHA) (October 2021)
(The 35th Conference and Annual Meeting in Malaysia (NIOSH and MOSHPA) [scheduled for August 2020] was cancelled because of the COVID-19 outbreak.)
34thChina (Guiyang) (COSHA) (September 2019)
33rdHong Kong SAR, China (December 2018)
32ndSingapore (September 2017) Held in close proximity to the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
Interim Meeting:Thailand (December 2016) *Interim meetings are held in special circumstances with the agreement of members when there is a gap of at least one year between annual meetings.
31stIndia (April 2016)
30thKorea (June 2015)
29thThailand (July 2014)
28thIndonesia (October 2013)
27thPhilippines (September 2012)
26thAustralia (November 2011)
25thMauritius (April 2010)
(The 25th Conference and Annual Meeting in the Philippines [scheduled for 2009] was cancelled because the H1N1 influenza pandemic was not contained at that time.)
24thKorea (July 2008) Held in close proximity to the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
23rdSingapore (November 2007)
22ndThailand (May 2006)
21stIndonesia (September 2005)
20thChina (Beijing) (September 2004)
19thMalaysia (September 2003)
18thVietnam (October 2002)
17thTaiwan (September 2001)
16thMauritius (April 2000)
15thPhilippines (October 1999)
14thKorea (April 1998)
13thHong Kong (April 1997)
12thAustralia (May 1996)
11thIndia (November 1995)
10thMalaysia (September 1994)
9thIndonesia (September 1993)
8thChina (Xian) (September 1992)
7thChina (Beijing) (October 1991)
6thSingapore (December 1990)
5thJapan (September 1989)
4thJapan (September 1988)
3rdAustralia (September 1987)
2ndHong Kong (September 1986)
1stSingapore (September 1985)

List of APOSHO Members & Details of Activities

Full member

No.Organization Name (English)Acronym & LinkMain Activities
1Industrial Foundation
for Accident Prevention (IFAP)
IFAPEducation and consultations on safety and health
2National Safety Council
of Australia Foundation (NSCA Foundation)
NSCA FoundationEducation on safety and health and provision of information on safety and health
3China Association
of Work Safety (CAWS)
CAWSResearch and studies on safe production, provision of information on safe production, promotion of culture of safety and education/training, consulting services on safe production
4China Occupational Safety
and Health Association (COSHA)
COSHAPromotion of safety and health, education on safety and health, safety and health qualifications, research on safety and health
5Sinosteel Wuhan Safety and
Environmental Protection
Research (SEPRI)
SEPRIResearch on occupational safety, health and environments
6Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, Hong Kong (IOSH-HK)IOSH-HKTraining on safety and health, educational materials on safety and health, research on safety and health
7Hong Kong Occupational Safety
and Health Council (HKOSHC)
HKOSHCEducation on safety and health, consulting services on safety and health, publicity on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health
8Hong Kong Occupational Safety
and Health Association (HKOSHA)
HKOSHASupport for safety and health professionals, consulting services on safety and health, guidance on safety and health, PR magazine on safety and health
9Chinese Taipei Industrial Safety
and Health Association (ISHA)
ISHAEducation on safety and health, technical services, work environment measurements, publication of educational materials on safety and health, ISO45001 certification
10National Safety Council of India (NSCI)NSCIConsulting services on safety and health, education on safety and health
11Institute for Certification
of Competencies on OSH (ICCOSH)
ICCOSHTesting and issuance of certificates on safety and health competency
12National Safety and Health Council
of Indonesia (NSHCI)
NSHCI (DK3N)Education on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health
13Japan Industrial Safety
and Health Association (JISHA)
JISHAEducation on safety and health, provision of safety and health technology, provision of information on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health, work environment measurements
14Korea Occupational Safety
& Health Agency (KOSHA)
KOSHAIndustry-specific accident prevention plans, safety inspections, machine safety certifications, OHSAS18000 certification, raising awareness on safety, surveys and research
15Korea Industrial Safety Association
KISAEducation on safety and health, provision of safety and health technology, safety and health assessments, safety inspections, technical guidance on preventing construction accidents
16Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety & Health (MSOSH)MSOSHEducation on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health, safety and health awards
17National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)NIOSHSurveys and research on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health
18Malaysian Occupational Safety and Health Practitioners Association (MOSHPA)MOSHPASupport for safety and health professionals, provision of information on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health
19Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Management (IOSHM)IOSHMPromotion of occupational safety and health, education on safety and health, development of safety and health networks
20Pakistan Safety Council(PSC)PSCEducation on safety and health, guidance on improving safety and health
21Association of Safety Practitioners of the Philippines, Inc. (ASPPI)ASPPISupport and certification for safety and health professionals, raising awareness on safety and health
22Workplace Advocates on Safety
in the Philippines, Inc. (WASPI)
WASPISafety and health conferences, safety and health awards
23Safety Organisation
of the Philippines, Inc. (SOPI)
SOPIPrevention of occupational accidents, insurance for occupational accidents, education on safety and health
24National Safety Council
of Singapore (NSCS)
NSCSEducation on safety and health, sales of safety and health supplies
25Singapore Institution
of Safety Officers (SISO)
SISOSupport for safety and health professionals, education on safety and health
26Workplace Safety and Health Association, Sri Lanka (WSHA)WSHAFormulation of standards and certifications for safety and health professionals

Safety and Health at Work Promotion Association (Thailand) Under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Patronage

SHAWPATEducation on safety and health, work environment measurements, sales of safety and health supplies, raising awareness on safety and health
28Vietnam Occupational Safety
and Health Association (VOSHA)
VOSHADevelopment of safety and health networks, education on safety and health
29Viet Nam National Institute
of Occupational Safety and Health (VNNIOSH)
VNNIOSHSurveys and research on safety and health, education on safety and health, work environment measurements