The Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO) is an international body composed of non-profit professional organizations devoted to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Although full membership is given to non- governmental organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, any occupational safety and health organizations, even in the regions other than the Asia-Pacific, can join the APOSHO as associate or affiliate members.
(For more information about APOSHO, see https://www.aposho.org)

Objectives of APOSHO
- To promote and enhance understanding and cooperation in areas related to Occupational Safety and Health awareness and practices in the Asia-Pacific region.
- To promote networking and exchange of information on Occupational Safety and Health awareness and practices in the Asia-Pacific region.
Past & Upcoming APOHO Conferences and Annual Meetings
Host Country | |
38th | Thailand (SHAWPAT) (November 2024) |
37th | Malaysia (MSOSH) (October 2023) |
36th | Australia (NSCA Foundation) (November 2022) |
35th | Japan (JISHA) (October 2021) (The 35th Conference and Annual Meeting in Malaysia (NIOSH and MOSHPA) [scheduled for August 2020] was cancelled because of the COVID-19 outbreak.) |
34th | China (Guiyang) (COSHA) (September 2019) |
33rd | Hong Kong SAR, China (December 2018) |
32nd | Singapore (September 2017) Held in close proximity to the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work. |
Interim Meeting: | Thailand (December 2016) *Interim meetings are held in special circumstances with the agreement of members when there is a gap of at least one year between annual meetings. |
31st | India (April 2016) |
30th | Korea (June 2015) |
29th | Thailand (July 2014) |
28th | Indonesia (October 2013) |
27th | Philippines (September 2012) |
26th | Australia (November 2011) |
25th | Mauritius (April 2010) (The 25th Conference and Annual Meeting in the Philippines [scheduled for 2009] was cancelled because the H1N1 influenza pandemic was not contained at that time.) |
24th | Korea (July 2008) Held in close proximity to the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work. |
23rd | Singapore (November 2007) |
22nd | Thailand (May 2006) |
21st | Indonesia (September 2005) |
20th | China (Beijing) (September 2004) |
19th | Malaysia (September 2003) |
18th | Vietnam (October 2002) |
17th | Taiwan (September 2001) |
16th | Mauritius (April 2000) |
15th | Philippines (October 1999) |
14th | Korea (April 1998) |
13th | Hong Kong (April 1997) |
12th | Australia (May 1996) |
11th | India (November 1995) |
10th | Malaysia (September 1994) |
9th | Indonesia (September 1993) |
8th | China (Xian) (September 1992) |
7th | China (Beijing) (October 1991) |
6th | Singapore (December 1990) |
5th | Japan (September 1989) |
4th | Japan (September 1988) |
3rd | Australia (September 1987) |
2nd | Hong Kong (September 1986) |
1st | Singapore (September 1985) |
List of APOSHO Members & Details of Activities
Full member
No. | Organization Name (English) | Acronym & Link | Main Activities |
1 | Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention (IFAP) | IFAP | Education and consultations on safety and health |
2 | National Safety Council of Australia Foundation (NSCA Foundation) | NSCA Foundation | Education on safety and health and provision of information on safety and health |
3 | China Association of Work Safety (CAWS) | CAWS | Research and studies on safe production, provision of information on safe production, promotion of culture of safety and education/training, consulting services on safe production |
4 | China Occupational Safety and Health Association (COSHA) | COSHA | Promotion of safety and health, education on safety and health, safety and health qualifications, research on safety and health |
5 | Sinosteel Wuhan Safety and Environmental Protection Research (SEPRI) | SEPRI | Research on occupational safety, health and environments |
6 | Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, Hong Kong (IOSH-HK) | IOSH-HK | Training on safety and health, educational materials on safety and health, research on safety and health |
7 | Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Council (HKOSHC) | HKOSHC | Education on safety and health, consulting services on safety and health, publicity on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health |
8 | Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association (HKOSHA) | HKOSHA | Support for safety and health professionals, consulting services on safety and health, guidance on safety and health, PR magazine on safety and health |
9 | Chinese Taipei Industrial Safety and Health Association (ISHA) | ISHA | Education on safety and health, technical services, work environment measurements, publication of educational materials on safety and health, ISO45001 certification |
10 | National Safety Council of India (NSCI) | NSCI | Consulting services on safety and health, education on safety and health |
11 | Institute for Certification of Competencies on OSH (ICCOSH) | ICCOSH | Testing and issuance of certificates on safety and health competency |
12 | National Safety and Health Council of Indonesia (NSHCI) | NSHCI (DK3N) | Education on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health |
13 | Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) | JISHA | Education on safety and health, provision of safety and health technology, provision of information on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health, work environment measurements |
14 | Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) | KOSHA | Industry-specific accident prevention plans, safety inspections, machine safety certifications, OHSAS18000 certification, raising awareness on safety, surveys and research |
15 | Korea Industrial Safety Association (KISA) | KISA | Education on safety and health, provision of safety and health technology, safety and health assessments, safety inspections, technical guidance on preventing construction accidents |
16 | Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety & Health (MSOSH) | MSOSH | Education on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health, safety and health awards |
17 | National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) | NIOSH | Surveys and research on safety and health, provision of information on safety and health |
18 | Malaysian Occupational Safety and Health Practitioners Association (MOSHPA) | MOSHPA | Support for safety and health professionals, provision of information on safety and health, raising awareness on safety and health |
19 | Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Management (IOSHM) | IOSHM | Promotion of occupational safety and health, education on safety and health, development of safety and health networks |
20 | Pakistan Safety Council(PSC) | PSC | Education on safety and health, guidance on improving safety and health |
21 | Association of Safety Practitioners of the Philippines, Inc. (ASPPI) | ASPPI | Support and certification for safety and health professionals, raising awareness on safety and health |
22 | Workplace Advocates on Safety in the Philippines, Inc. (WASPI) | WASPI | Safety and health conferences, safety and health awards |
23 | Safety Organisation of the Philippines, Inc. (SOPI) | SOPI | Prevention of occupational accidents, insurance for occupational accidents, education on safety and health |
24 | National Safety Council of Singapore (NSCS) | NSCS | Education on safety and health, sales of safety and health supplies |
25 | Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO) | SISO | Support for safety and health professionals, education on safety and health |
26 | Workplace Safety and Health Association, Sri Lanka (WSHA) | WSHA | Formulation of standards and certifications for safety and health professionals |
27 | Safety and Health at Work Promotion Association (Thailand) Under Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Patronage(SHAWPAT) | SHAWPAT | Education on safety and health, work environment measurements, sales of safety and health supplies, raising awareness on safety and health |
28 | Vietnam Occupational Safety and Health Association (VOSHA) | VOSHA | Development of safety and health networks, education on safety and health |
29 | Viet Nam National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VNNIOSH) | VNNIOSH | Surveys and research on safety and health, education on safety and health, work environment measurements |